Dr. Iannuzzi was the inaugural research fellow at the Surgical Health Outcomes and Research Enterprise at University of Rochester. In 2018, Dr. Iannuzzi completed a clinical and research fellowship in vascular and endovascular surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Iannuzzi has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications in leading journals spanning multiple areas of surgery.
Awards & Honors
Award | Conferred By | Date |
Poster Competition Finalist: Lower Extremity Bypass Non-Home Discharge Risk Score | Society of Vascular Surgeons | 2018 |
Best Poster- Predicting Readmission After Colorectal Surgery: A Point-Based Score | American Society of Colon & Rectum Surgeons | 2014 |
Strengthening Professionals in Comparative Effectiveness (SPICE): Work-Force Development | ARRA/NIH funded training program | 2012 |
Institution | Degree | Dept or School | End Date |
Massachusetts General Hospital | Harvard Medical School, Clinical and Research Fellow in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery | 2018 | |
University of California | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training | 2018 | |
University of Rochester Medical Center | Administrative Chief Resident | 2016 | |
University of Rochester Medical Center | General Surgery Resident | 2015 | |
University of Rochester | Master of Public Health | 2013 | |
University of Rochester Medical Center | Surgical Health Outcomes and Research Enterprise | 2013 | |
Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai | Doctorate of Medicine | 2009 | |
University of Michigan | B.A. Philosophy | 2005 |
Clinical Expertise
Aortic Aneurysm
Aortic Dissection
Carotid Artery Disease
Critical Limb Ischemia
Endovascular Aneurysm Repair
Mesenteric Artery Disease
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
Diabetic Vascular Disease
Peripheral Artery Disease
Clinical Trials
- Monitoring Local Tissue Oxygen Changes Using the Wireless Lumee Oxygen Platform in Correlation to TcPO2 (NCT04514861)Related Conditions: Peripheral Artery Disease| Start Date: | End Date:
Research Narrative
Dr. Iannuzzi research focus includes clinical outcomes research in vascular surgery, and the use of predictive analytics to identify and intervene in potentially high-risk vascular surgery patients.
Research Interests
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Clinical Effectiveness Research
Predictive Analytics
Population Health
Outcomes Research
Research Pathways
- Validation of Non-Home Discharge Risk Score After Elective Infrainguinal Bypass Surgery.| | PubMed
- Vascular Quality Initiative Assessment of Compliance with Society for Vascular Surgery Practice Guidelines for the Endovascular Management of Claudication.| | PubMed
- A Novel Preoperative Risk Score to Identify Patients at High Risk for Nonhome Discharge after Elective Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.| | PubMed
- Assessing the Readability of English and Spanish Online Patient Educational Materials for Deep Venous Thrombosis.| | PubMed
- Early Opioid Use and Postoperative Delirium Following Open Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.| | PubMed
- Mapping the Discharge Process After Surgery.| | PubMed
- Predictors of amputation-free survival and wound healing after infrainguinal bypass with alternative conduits.| | PubMed
- Readability of Spanish-Language Online Patient Educational Materials for Peripheral Artery Disease Do Not Meet Recommended Standards and Represent a Literacy Barrier to Care.| | PubMed
- Risk factors and associated outcomes of postoperative delirium after open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.| | PubMed
- Measurement of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Strain Using MR Deformable Image Registration: Accuracy and Relationship to Recent Aneurysm Progression.| | PubMed
- Development and Validation of a Novel Preoperative Risk Score to Identify Patients at Risk for Nonhome Discharge after Elective Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR).| | PubMed
- Decreasing prevalence of centers meeting the Society for Vascular Surgery abdominal aortic aneurysm guidelines in the United States.| | PubMed
- Guideline Compliant Minimum Asymptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Surgeon and Hospital Volume Cutoffs.| | PubMed
- Proximal Instructions for Use Violations in Elective Endovascular Aneurysm Repair in the Vascular Quality Initiative: Retrospective Analysis.| | PubMed
- Low-volume surgeons can have better outcomes at certain hospital settings for open abdominal aortic repairs.| | PubMed
- High-Risk Characteristics for Clinical Failure after Isolated Femoropopliteal Peripheral Vascular Interventions.| | PubMed
- Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms as a Potential Marker for Disease Progression.| | PubMed
- Structured discharge documentation reduces sex-based disparities in statin prescription in vascular surgery patients.| | PubMed
- Cognitive Impairment is Common in a Veterans Affairs Population with Peripheral Arterial Disease.| | PubMed
- Open revascularization approach is associated with healing and ambulation after transmetatarsal amputation in patients with chronic limb threatening ischemia.| | PubMed
- Applying cognitive task analysis to health services research.| | PubMed
- Racial and ethnic disparities in major adverse limb events persist for chronic limb threatening ischemia despite presenting limb threat severity after peripheral vascular intervention.| | PubMed
- Anemia is associated with higher mortality and morbidity after thoracic endovascular aortic repair.| | PubMed
- Association of Intraoperative and Perioperative Transfusions with Postoperative Cardiovascular Events and Mortality After Infrainguinal Revascularization.| | PubMed
- Clinical Predictors and Outcomes Associated with Postoperative Delirium Following Infrainguinal Bypass Surgery.| | PubMed
- Capturing the complexity of open abdominal aortic surgery in the endovascular era.| | PubMed
- Endovascular treatment of high-risk peripheral vascular occlusive lesions: a review of current evidence and emerging applications of intravascular lithotripsy, atherectomy, and paclitaxel-coated devices.| | PubMed
- Risk factors for venous thromboembolism after vascular surgery and implications for chemoprophylaxis strategies.| | PubMed
- Racial Disparities Associated With Reinterventions After Elective Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair.| | PubMed
- Aortic Neck IFU Violations During EVAR for Ruptured Infrarenal Aortic Aneurysms are Associated with Increased In-Hospital Mortality.| | PubMed
- Understanding value and patient complexity among common inpatient vascular surgery procedures.| | PubMed
- Closure device use for common femoral artery antegrade access is higher risk than retrograde access.| | PubMed
- Depression Predicts Non-Home Discharge After Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair.| | PubMed
- Patients with depression are less likely to go home after critical limb revascularization.| | PubMed
- A novel preoperative risk score for nonhome discharge after elective thoracic endovascular aortic repair.| | PubMed
- Impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on an academic vascular practice and a multidisciplinary limb preservation program.| | PubMed
- Living in a Food Desert is Associated with 30-day Readmission after Revascularization for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia.| | PubMed
- One-year patient survival correlates with surgeon volume after elective open abdominal aortic surgery.| | PubMed
- Patient complexity by surgical specialty does not correlate with work relative value units.| | PubMed
- Antegrade common femoral artery closure device use is associated with decreased complications.| | PubMed
- Incidence of and risk factors for postoperative urinary retention in men after carotid endarterectomy.| | PubMed
- Risk score for nonhome discharge after lower extremity bypass.| | PubMed
- Preoperative Predictors of Discharge Destination after Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.| | PubMed
- Predicting Postoperative Destination Through Preoperative Evaluation in Elective Open Aortic Aneurysm Repair.| | PubMed
- A Regional Experience with Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients with a History of Neck Radiation.| | PubMed
- Favorable impact of thoracic endovascular aortic repair on survival of patients with acute uncomplicated type B aortic dissection.| | PubMed
- The Authors Reply.| | PubMed
- Patients With Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction Should Be Primarily Managed by a Surgical Team.| | PubMed
- The impact of surgeon volume on colostomy reversal outcomes after Hartmann's procedure for diverticulitis.| | PubMed
- Missed Opportunity: Laparoscopic Colorectal Resection Is Associated With Lower Incidence of Small Bowel Obstruction Compared to an Open Approach.| | PubMed
- Cost Drivers After Surgical Management of Proximal Humerus Fractures in Medicare Patients.| | PubMed
- High Variability in Nosocomial Clostridium difficile Infection Rates Across Hospitals After Colorectal Resection.| | PubMed
- Risk Factors for Postdischarge Venothromboembolism After Colorectal Resection.| | PubMed
- Reply to: "Groin hernia repair, surgeon volume and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs)".| | PubMed
- High volume improves outcomes: The argument for centralization of rectal cancer surgery.| | PubMed
- Significant Variation in Blood Transfusion Practice Persists following Upper GI Cancer Resection.| | PubMed
- Employment Satisfaction in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Its Influence on Graduating Residents in an Evolving Health Care Climate.| | PubMed
- The pitfalls of inguinal herniorrhaphy: Surgeon volume matters.| | PubMed
- Measuring satisfaction: factors that drive hospital consumer assessment of healthcare providers and systems survey responses in a trauma and acute care surgery population.| | PubMed
- Getting satisfaction: drivers of surgical Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health care Providers and Systems survey scores.| | PubMed
- Comparing Hospitalist-Resident to Hospitalist-Midlevel Practitioner Team Performance on Length of Stay and Direct Patient Care Cost.| | PubMed
- Timing of discharge: a key to understanding the reason for readmission after colorectal surgery.| | PubMed
- Parastomal hernia: a growing problem with new solutions.| | PubMed
- Risk scoring can predict readmission after endocrine surgery.| | PubMed
- Postoperative Morbidity by Procedure and Patient Factors Influencing Major Complications Within 30 Days Following Shoulder Surgery.| | PubMed
- Surgeon volume plays a significant role in outcomes and cost following open incisional hernia repair.| | PubMed
- Open reduction and internal fixation versus hemiarthroplasty in the management of proximal humerus fractures.| | PubMed
- Perioperative complications after hemiarthroplasty and total shoulder arthroplasty are equivalent.| | PubMed
- Risk score for unplanned vascular readmissions.| | PubMed
- Perioperative pleiotropic statin effects in general surgery.| | PubMed
- Defining high risk: cost-effectiveness of extended-duration thromboprophylaxis following major oncologic abdominal surgery.| | PubMed
- Anastomotic leak or organ space surgical site infection: What are we missing in our quality improvement programs?| | PubMed
- Risk factors associated with 30-day postoperative readmissions in major gastrointestinal resections.| | PubMed
- Laparotomy for small-bowel obstruction: first choice or last resort for adhesiolysis? A laparoscopic approach for small-bowel obstruction reduces 30-day complications.| | PubMed
- Tobacco smoking and postoperative outcomes after colorectal surgery.| | PubMed
- Colorectal surgery training and patient safety: dissonance in an era of quality reporting.| | PubMed
- Reply to Clark regarding "surgeon beware: many patients referred for parathyroidectomy are misdiagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism".| | PubMed
- Resident involvement is associated with worse outcomes after major lower extremity amputation.| | PubMed
- Prediction of postdischarge venous thromboembolism using a risk assessment model.| | PubMed
- Closure of defunctioning loop ileostomy is associated with considerable morbidity.| | PubMed
- Outcomes associated with resident involvement in partial colectomy.| | PubMed
- Visceral obesity and colorectal cancer: are we missing the boat with BMI?| | PubMed
- Surgeon beware: many patients referred for parathyroidectomy are misdiagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism.| | PubMed
- Recognizing risk: bowel resection in the chronic renal failure population.| | PubMed
- Emphysematous gastritis: A young diabetic's recovery.| | PubMed
- FDG-PET and MRI imaging of the effects of sertindole and haloperidol in the prefrontal lobe in schizophrenia.| | PubMed